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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

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I’d like to begin by acknowledging the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation on whose land we are today and pay my respects to their elders. I’d like to thank the organisers for inviting me to speak, and I would like to acknowledge you, the Aboriginal field staff. You have an important role and I pay tribute to you and your work.

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice


The two reports launched in Adelaide today provide a scorecard on how Australian governments are meeting their obligations to ensure that Australia's Indigenous peoples can fully exercise their rights and interests.

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Disability Rights

Presentation to Accessible Arts Workshop

George Bernard Shaw once said that the only alternative to torture in life is art. I'm not sure that you could my presentation this morning art, but I do hope it isn't torture.

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Disability Rights


Allow me to commence by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we stand. This acknowledgment reminds us of cultural traditions stretching back to time immemorial, as well as aspirations in our own time for a fair and inclusive society. I am delighted to be here today to help:

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Disability Rights

Using the Disability Convention for practical change (2009)

Some of us here were sitting in a stuffy conference room in the UN headquarters in New York when the Working Group completed its drafting of the convention. It was only stuffy because - in true UN style - we had exceeded our time limit for the session, the interpreters had gone home, and the air-conditioning had been turned off. But for most of us, these disadvantages paled in the excitement of what we had achieved. And that excitement was amplified as we watched the General Assembly confirm our work.

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Disability Rights

Roundtable on Information Access for People with Print Disabilities

A long, long time ago, I can still remember sitting down to write my first Roundtable speech.And I thought if I had a chance, then human rights I could advance And equal access wouldn't stay just out of reach And now I'm here again to give a Few thoughts and perhaps deliver Some good news on your doorsteps And talk about some next steps

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Disability Rights

Preparations for the Olympics and Paralympics and inclusion of people with disabilities: the Australian experience

There is substantial attention in the international community being directed at present to the human rights of people with disabilities. An international convention on human rights and disability is being actively considered through the United Nations system. I would have been attending a regional meeting in Beijing in April this year as part of this process but this was cancelled because of the SARS outbreak.

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Race Discrimination

Refugee Week 2006 – Adelaide

Until a few weeks ago, this was an article of faith on the part of every politician. Now we are told we need to make significant policy changes to address weaknesses in our citizenship laws.

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Rights and Freedoms

Diversity in Health 2003: Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM

Conference Convenors and Co-directors, distinguished guests from both Australia and overseas, ladies and gentlemen, all. I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we stand and by so doing remind ourselves that Australia’s cultural traditions stretch back many thousands of years.

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