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Rights and Freedoms

Waverley Council's Refugee Week: Dr Sev Ozdowski (2002)

It is my pleasure to acknowledge the presence of Cr Paul Pearce, Mayor of Waverley, Councillors and staff of the Waverley Council, Mr Howard Glenn, National Director of Australians for Just Refugee Programs, our excellent performers and last but not least volunteers who have made tonight's celebrations possible. Ladies and Gentleman, all.

Category, Speech
Rights and Freedoms

Introducing human rights law: Chris Sidoti (1997)

International law deals with many matters of importance to everyday life: access to the water of rivers for navigation, irrigation and drinking; transport by sea and air; environmental protection; the arrest and extradition of those accused or convicted of crimes. International law provides protection in international life and locally.

Category, Speech
Commission – General

President Speech: International Commission of Jurists (Vic) Opening of the Legal Year (2010)

I would also like to acknowledge the Victorian Governor Professor David de Krester, and his wife Mrs Jan de Krester; Chief Justice Hon Marilyn Warren; other senior representatives of each of the three branches of the Victorian government; the many community leaders present and also the many members of the legal profession present. I feel greatly honoured to have been invited to participate today in the opening of the legal year.

Category, Speech
Commission – General

Address to Tri-State Country Conference, Broken Hill

I also want to make mention of the fact that we are 130kn south west of an area of great significance to the Aboriginal communities of western NSW, which is now called Mutawintji National Park - the first park to be handed back to its Traditional Owners under the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act in 1998. [1] The caves and overhangs in the park have been transformed into expansive galleries of Aboriginal rock art, and it comes as no surprise that they have formed the backdrop for ceremonies for at least 8,000 years.

Category, Speech
Commission – General

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I accepted the invitation to make this Oration and come here tonight with some trepidation: The person being honoured tonight, Dame Roma Mitchell, was the first federal Human Rights Commissioner and this is the territory that has known the powers of persuasion, conviction and commitment of the best human rights minds in the country, including Dame Roma Mitchell herself. Yet I reminded myself that we are both cultivators in the same vineyard, albeit that I both lagged behind her and sought to learn from her. My work today is made easier by the clear and decisive path cut out by my predecessor.

Category, Speech
Rights and Freedoms

Is it coming up roses yet? Women in the 21st century

Union, University and Schools Club * check upon delivery Introduction Thank you to the Union, University and Schools Club for inviting me to speak and to Dr Mary Forbes for reaching out to. This is a wonderful event. Full of pride, full of celebration—and full of women and supportive men! Let me...

Category, Speech
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples

Good afternoon. I’m Warwick Baird, Director of the Native Title Unit at the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. What a great conference it has been so far. Thanks AIATSIS for a wonderful job, Lisa Strelein and all your colleagues thank you for all your hard work.

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

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I would like to begin by acknowledging all the traditional owners of the land where we meet, the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. Thank you Megan Davis for your welcome and for inviting me to be here today.

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

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I would like to begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of Cairns, the land where we meet today, and to pay my respects to their elders. I would also like to thank the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and Professor Ernest Hunter for organising this event and inviting me to open this very important conference.

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

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I would like to begin by acknowledging the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, the traditional owners of the land we meet on today. I would like to thank them for allowing me to speak on their country.

Category, Speech

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