Racial Equality Review of Basketball Australia

In an ongoing effort to ensure that basketball is an inclusive sport, Basketball Australia engaged the Australian Human Rights Commission to undertake a Racial Equality Review (the Review) of the sport at a national level.
The Commission engaged with current and former national players and their families, coaches, administrators, and Basketball Australia staff through interviews, focus groups and written submissions. The Commission also undertook a ‘desktop audit’ of Basketball Australia’s relevant policies and procedures. The Commission then reported on:
- Structural barriers to achieving racial equality within organisational policies, pathways, programs, leagues, governance, and culture within Basketball Australia
- The experiences of current and former national players and their families, coaches,administrators, and Basketball Australia staff about the organisational culture at Basketball Australia, in particular relating to racial equality.
The final report of the Review was released on 19 March 2021. It outlined the Commission's key findings, highlighted international and domestic examples of good practice and made 12 recommendations for action across three focus areas.
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