Harnessing the Power of Older Workers webinar

The Commission recently hosted a webinar, Harnessing the Power of Older Workers, which focused on practical actions that businesses can take to foster age friendly work environments in which older workers are valued for their skills and experience. It also addressed practical strategies to enable organisations to tap into the full potential of a multigenerational workforce.
The webinar was hosted and moderated by Kathryn Greiner AO, Chair of the NSW Ministerial Advisory Council on Ageing.
The expert panel speakers were Toby Dawson, Head of Strategic Partnerships, IRT Group/Age Matters, Anna Llewellyn, Co-Chair of the Amplify Employee Action Group, Westpac, and Jane Baker, Chair of the Generations Employee Resource Group, NSW Department of Customer Service.
Special opening remarks provided by the Age Discrimination Commissioner Dr Kay Patterson and the NSW Minister for Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors and Veterans The Hon. Natalie Peta Ward MLC.