Planning ahead

The Australian Human Rights Commission has produced a range of educational resources to raise awareness about the importance of planning ahead for later life.
The focus of our Have You Thought About Later Life? campaign is to provide resources in English and five community languages to support Australians to have these conversations.
About planning ahead for later life
Future planning empowers older people to have choice and control over their senior years and provides peace of mind for them and their loved ones. It involves thinking about and then talking to those you trust about your future healthcare, financial and lifestyle choices.
Planning ahead maximises your opportunity to live and enjoy your later years the way you want and helps those around you understand your wishes and how best to support you. Making plans can safeguard your rights in the future, reduce family stress and conflict, and even protect you against elder abuse.
For more information and links to the Commission’s other elder abuse resources, go to our Elder Abuse webpage.
Resources to help you plan ahead
The Commission’s free Planning Ahead for Later Life resources for sharing with your community include:
- Conversation Guide
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Community Information Videos of diverse communities discussing their experiences with planning for later life
- Radio
- Social media tiles.
These resources are currently available in six languages:
- English
- العربية / Arabic
- 简体中文 / Chinese (Simplified)
- Ελληνικά / Greek
- Italiano / Italian
- Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese
Preventing elder abuse
The Commission continues to work closely with key stakeholders to prevent and raise awareness of elder abuse. The Commission encourages all Australians to safeguard their rights by planning ahead.
More information
- See more information and links to resources about future planning.
- See information in your state or territory for advice or help to complete your planning ahead documents.
- You may also find it helpful to consult a legal professional.
Stakeholder pack in English
(6.46 MB)
Conversation guide in English
(1.42 MB)
FAQ in English
(1.6 MB)
Community video in English
Video of a man discussing his experiences with planning for later life Radio ad in English
Audio file of the Preparing for later life Radio ad -
Social media tiles
- العربية / Arabic
Ελληνικά / Greek
Conversation guide in Ελληνικά / Greek
(1.35 MB)
FAQ in Ελληνικά / Greek
(1.49 MB)
Community video in Ελληνικά / Greek
Video of a man discussing his experiences with planning for later life Community radio ad in Ελληνικά / Greek
Audio file of a radio ad in Ελληνικά / Greek Social media tiles
Preview File download link -
Italiano / Italian
Conversation guide in Italiano / Italian
(1.22 MB)
FAQ in Italiano / Italian
(1.42 MB)
Community video in Italiano / Italian
Video of a woman discussing her experiences with planning for later life Community radio ad in Italiano / Italian
Audio file of the radio ad in Italiano / Italian Social media tiles
Preview File download link -
简体中文 / Chinese (Simplified)
Conversation guide in 简体中文 / Chinese (Simplified)
(1.44 MB)
FAQ in 简体中文 / Chinese (Simplified)
(1.67 MB)
Community video in 简体中文 / Chinese (Simplified)
Video of a woman discussing her experiences with planning for later life Community radio ad in 简体中文 / Chinese (Simplified)
Audio file of the radio ad in 简体中文 / Chinese (Simplified) Social media tiles
Preview File download link -
Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese
Conversation guide in Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese
FAQ in Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese
Community video in Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese
Video of a woman discussing her experiences with planning for later life Community radio ad in Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese
Audio file of the radio ad in Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese Social media tiles
Preview File download link
Contact information
If you are concerned about elder abuse and want the opportunity to talk to someone about your concerns and options for getting help call:
- 1800 ELDERHelp (1800 353 374) - the National Elder Abuse phone line.
- 1800 ELDERHelp automatically redirects callers seeking information or advice on elder abuse to their state or territory phone line service.
- If you require assistance in an emergency or life-threatening situation, contact 000.