Inspection of Villawood Immigration Detention Centre Report

- DIBP response to VIDC inspection report
This report contains an overview of key observations and concerns arising from the Australian Human Rights Commission’s inspection of the Villawood Immigration Detention Centre (VIDC) in April 2017.
The rationale for the Commission undertaking such inspections is to identify problems in the way that detainees’ human rights are being protected and to suggest ways of addressing those problems. Hence, while the report is balanced and points to some good practices, its primary focus is on issues of concern identified by the Commission. The report reflects conditions as they were at the time of the inspection.
The Commission also raised a number of additional issues with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) and facility staff during and subsequent to the inspection, including individual cases of concern.
The Commission acknowledges the assistance provided by DIBP and the Australian Border Force (ABF) in facilitating the Commission’s inspection. The Commission is grateful to the DIBP and ABF officers and detention service provider staff who assisted the Commission team during the inspection. A draft of this report was shared with DIBP in advance of its publication, to provide an opportunity for DIBP to respond to the identified issues.