Tackling modern slavery and labour exploitation with the Cleaning Accountability Framework

The Australian Human Rights Commission has partnered with the Cleaning Accountability Framework (CAF) to tackle modern slavery and labour exploitation in the cleaning industry.
Labour exploitation in the cleaning industry is well-documented, and cleaning services have been identified by the Government as a key risk area for modern slavery in Australia.
CAF works to improve labour practices in the cleaning industry, primarily through the CAF Building Certification process, a holistic assessment of a building or precinct’s cleaning supply chain. CAF works with cleaners, tenants, contractors, property owners, facility managers, and investors across the cleaning supply chain to identify and recognise best practice approaches that support decent work for cleaners and responsible business practices in the property services industry.
During the one-year partnership the Commission will provide expert human rights input into CAF’s approach to managing modern slavery risks and the development of a resource for migrant workers.