Migrant workers and their rights in Australia

All people, including migrant workers, have human rights. Human rights promote dignity and provide protection from mistreatment. Businesses and employers have a responsibility to respect the human rights of migrant workers. Australian laws exist to protect all workers from exploitation and harm.
The Australian Human Rights Commission and the Cleaning Accountability Framework have partnered together to develop a resource on the rights of migrant workers in Australia. Labour exploitation in the cleaning industry is well-documented, and cleaning services have been identified by the Government as a key risk for modern slavery in Australia.
Released on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (30 July), the factsheet is available in A3 format that can be printed out to be displayed in workplaces or on noticeboards while the A4 format can be easily shared online and through social media.
With support from the Fair Work Ombudsman, the factsheet has also been translated into seven languages. Click on the links below to download the translated factsheets.