Statement of Intent on Children's Rights in Early Childhood Education and Care

In 2014, the National Children's Commissioner worked with Early Childhood Australia (ECA) to develop a Statement of Intent on Children’s Rights in Early Childhood Education and Care (Statement of Intent).
The Statement of Intent identifies priority areas for action. It is a practical tool designed to help early childhood educators understand Australia's obligations to children, and to realise children's rights in their services. For example, it structures each priority according to what it means for children, for professionals working with young children, for ECA and for the National Children's Commissioner. Resources will also be developed to support teachers, educators, families and children to implement the identified areas for action under the Statement of Intent.
Consultations with children in early childhood education and care were led by ECA, and the views of these children were taken into account when identifying areas for action under the Statement of Intent.
A number of observations made by children about their rights during the National Children's Commissioner's Big Banter in 2013 are included in the Statement of Intent.
Feedback on the Statement of Intent was also sought from those who work in the early childhood education and care sector.
The final Statement of Intent was released in 2015 and can be viewed by clicking here.