Jake Fing

IncludeAbility Ambassador - Jake Fing
I am currently working as a solicitor in the Family Litigation Unit on matters relating to parenting issues and care and protection matters. I have Bipolar Type 2.
The journey
In 2017 before I was diagnosed with Bipolar, I found it very difficult to continue working because I didn’t know what was going on and why I was having these types of feelings. After getting this under control it was easier to get back into the working routine.
Why it matters
Through meaningful employment I feel a sense of belonging within a community. My role allows me to feel like I am contributing to an important aspect of society, and this helps me to put in place the training I have gained over a number of years at university. It also allows me to demonstrate my commitment and skill set in working towards a more substantive level of equality and equity within the law.
I like to think that my employment has allowed for a better free flow of information sharing and experiences throughout the office. I think my ability to create a smile in people and my ability to build a strong rapport very early on has helped to foster a stronger team environment.