RetroFit Kit exhibition (2022)

Download the 'Disability Access and Inclusion Health Check' PDF (1.2 MB)
Download the RetroFit Case Study Catalogue (24.5 MB)
Download the interactive 'Disability Access and Inclusion Health Check' PDF (2.7 MB)
About the exhibition
The RetroFit Kit exhibition demonstrates how common Australian housing types could be systemically modified to achieve seamless and dignified home environments for people with disability, their families, carers and future occupants. It highlights the strategic potential of architectural design in making homes more equitable and accessible to all. The exhibition was delivered in partnership by the Australian Human Rights Commission and the Monash Art, Design and Architecture (MADA).
The catalogue of works considers how six common housing types could be retrofitted to increase accessibility for people with disability and the broader community. The works are based on the principles of seamlessness, performance, generosity, sociability, flexibility, diversity, dignity and safety.
The exhibition showcased how a house could be adapted to meet the needs of a person with disability using the Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Dr Ben Gauntlett, as a client. The students of MADA collaborated to produce a true scale adaptation including building walls, furniture and fittings.
Finished project photos
Photographer: Peter Bennetts
Exhibition opening with Dr Ben Gauntlett
Photographer: Tobias Titz