Tim Ferguson

IncludeAbility Ambassador - Tim Ferguson
I am a self-employed comedian and screenwriter for Stella Rose Productions. I have multiple sclerosis (progressive).
I maintain a career touring live shows and making movies. Travelling in a wheelchair creates some challenges, but with preparation and persistence, these can be overcome.
Employment has always created a positive effect on my psychological well-being. It means engaging with new people and overcoming challenges.
Sometimes I have to change my plans because of my evolving condition, but I work with a brilliant team of professional colleagues and carers. My colleagues get a positive boost from successfully negotiating any challenges that my disability may pose. Stage technicians, publicists, film crews often delight in fixing problems. New colleagues and businesses are always pleasantly surprised that the steps required to address a disability are often simple and surmountable.
Learn more about Tim in his Ambassador Profile, including current projects and interests.