Developing a National Anti-Racism Framework (2021)

Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner, Chin Tan has announced plans to develop a National Anti-Racism Framework and is calling on the Federal Government to support the framework, fully resource it and implement it. The Commission also aims to work in partnership with all sectors of Australian society because dismantling racism is a joint responsibility and will require a coordinated effort.
A national framework is urgently needed to deal with a resurgence in racism. This has been painfully apparent over the past year. COVID-19 has exposed ugly racism against people of Asian descent. ASIO and the Australian Federal Police have identified racist extremism as a significant threat to Australia’s national security. And the Black Lives Matter movement has highlighted injustices experienced by people from culturally diverse backgrounds and by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
The Commission has prepared an overview of the Framework, which describes key components of what a national strategy to address racism and social cohesion must include. It lists guiding principles, identifies national outcome areas and goals for achievement, and outlines high level strategies for achieving those goals. We invite you to download the overview from this page.
Over the coming months, the Commission will engage with the community sector to obtain feedback on this overview. We will convene workshops with peak bodies and provide an opportunity for public comment through our website. We will also engage with government departments and ministers to identify the existing gaps in services, data needs, and ways to improve the approach of government to this critical issue.
We welcome your involvement and feedback for this important project.
Watch a speech by the National Race Discrimination Commissioner, Chin Tan, announcing plans for the National Anti-Racism Framework.
You can also read a transcript of the speech here: