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Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Workshop on using the Disability Discrimination Act effectively
Let me first pass on regrets from Sev Ozdowski that he was not able to be here as planned. He very much wanted to attend this as the first major disability conference since he commenced duty as Disability Discrimination Commissioner at the end of last year - but he had surgery this week that meant he could not travel. -
14 December 2012Book page
Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 4
It is simple to remove discrimination against same-sex couples in laws conferring financial and work-related benefits: amend the definitions describing a couple to include same-sex and opposite-sex couples alike. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2004 : Introduction
This, my first report under s209 of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (NTA), is part of a larger project that commenced prior to my appointment as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner in July 2004. The project aims to investigate how native title can be utilised to improve the economic and social conditions of Indigenous peoples' lives. -
11 February 2014Book page
3 Police, courts and corrections – the issues
3.1 General findings In our consultations the Commission received information from people with disabilities and their advocates, support services in the community and in government and people in the police, courts and the custody and release system. The Commission also received many submissions and held a number of meetings with community members and public officials who work in or with the … -
14 December 2012Book page
Human Rights Act - Events - Seminars and Consultation Workshops
17 February 2009: The UK Human Rights Act as a ‘parliamentary model’ of rights protection: lessons for Australia, presented by Murray Hunt - Legal Advisor to the UK Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights. -
Rights and Freedoms13 May 2022Speech
Whither human rights and freedoms protections in Australia?
As I reflect on the past two years, it is clear that the pandemic has brought a renewed national focus on the importance of centralising considering rights and freedoms during times of crisis — a greater ‘rights consciousness’. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Deafness Forum Hearing Access Seminar
I always like to begin my presentations with a humorous anecdote or joke of some kind. For one thing, it lets me know that someone is actually listening, and it also lulls the audience into a false sense of security for the dry parts to follow. So as part of my preparation for this morning's discussion of disability discrimination law in Australia, I decided to find an answer to the important… -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2005 : Appendix 1 : Chronology of events relating to the new arrangements for the administration of Indigenous affairs, 1 July 2004 - 30 June 2005
This Appendix provides an overview of main events since the introduction of the new arrangements for the administration of Indigenous affairs on 1 July 2004. It commences with a summary table and is followed by a detailed description of each event. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission to the Law Reform Commission
"Not every disturbance or catastrophe qualifies as a public emergency which threatens the life of the nation, as required by article 4, paragraph 1. The Covenant requires that even during an armed conflict measures derogating from the Covenant are allowed only if and to the extent that the situation constitutes a threat to the life of the nation. If States parties consider invoking article 4… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Is there a slow lane on the information superhighway?
The title I have taken for these remarks is "Is there a slow lane on the information superhighway". I fear that by now there may already be something dated or quaint in using the term "information superhighway". I am going to use it anyway, and perhaps make matters of style worse by adding reference to a slow lane, because I think a few important issues are suggested by this… -
14 December 2012Book page
Mandatory detention laws in Australia (2001)
This paper gives a brief overview of the mandatory detention laws currently operating in the Northern Territory and Western Australia. It examines their operation and gives some insights into how they have impacted on particular groups including young people and Indigenous Australians. It gives a critique of mandatory detention by reference to Australia's international human rights obligations,… -
31 July 2013Book page
1 Summary
Under section 501 (and/or sections 501A and 501B) [1] of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) (Migration Act), a non-citizen’s application for a visa may be refused or their visa may be cancelled if they do not satisfy the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (the Minister), or the Minister’s delegate, that they pass the ‘character test’. During the 2011-12 financial year 88 people had their… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Shared Parental Responsibility
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) is pleased to make a submission in relation to the provisions of the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005 and submits this document pursuant to its legislative functions under section 48(1) of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (the Sex Discrimination Act) and sections 11(1) and 31 of the Human Rights and Equal… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submissions on the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Teaching Profession) Bill 2004
2. First, the Bill is unnecessary because it is unlikely to achieve its stated purpose; that is to address the problem of the imbalance in the number of male and female school teachers and the assumed effect of that imbalance on the education of male school students. In that regard the Commission notes that there is little available evidence which suggests that proposed amendment would increase… -
Commission – General14 December 2012Webpage
Senate File Listing 1 January 2007 - 30 June 2007
16 May 2013Book page
Chapter 6: Additional Resources
View Chapter 6 as PDF View Chapter 6 as Word This chapter provides some useful information and links for industry-specific and general information on increasing the representation of women. Mining Industry Australia Increasing the Diversity of the Mining Industry Workforce – Strategies for Employers Women in Mining Network (WIMnet), 2003This bulletin is a collection of strategies and ideas… -
14 December 2012Book page
3 The Commonwealth’s understanding of the usefulness of biomedical markers for age assessment purposes
This chapter considers the Commonwealth’s approach to the use of biomedical markers to assess age since wrist x-rays became a prescribed procedure for the purpose of age determination following the enactment of the Crimes Amendment (Age Determination) Bill 2001 (Cth). It also considers what each relevant Commonwealth agency knew, or should have known, about the value of specific age… -
Disability Rights29 June 2015Publication
Overlooked Consumers – Australians with Disabilities and Older People
Every day, one in five Australians experiences difficulties or frustrations in performing everyday tasks with everyday things, such as consumer electronics and appliances. As technology develops, an increasing proportion of products are inaccessible to people with a range of different disabilities. These one-in-five Australians are what the author terms the ‘overlooked consumers’. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into Better Support for Carers
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (‘HREOC’) makes this submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Family, Community, Housing and Youth (‘the Committee’) in its Inquiry into Better Support for Carers (‘the Inquiry’). -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Equal employment opportunity for people with disabilities: how to move from the theoretical to the actual
I congratulate EOPHEA for organising this discussion. Although, of course, your focus is primarily on employment in the university environment, the conference program is clearly designed to address equal opportunity issues of much more general significance. I have approached my own paper in the same spirit: I hope it will be particularly relevant in your own context as equity practitioners in…