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14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Commissioners: DR SEV OZDOWSKI, Human Rights Commissioner MRS ROBIN SULLIVAN, Queensland Children's Commissioner PROFESSOR TRANG THOMAS, Professor of Psychology, Melbourne Institute of Technology MS VANESSA LESNIE, Secretary to the Inquiry -
14 December 2012Book page
Voices of Australia: Activity sheet 4 - rightsED
It was a landmark for Australia - the first federal law to say that all people have the right to be treated fairly, regardless of their background, culture or colour. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
The following material was provided to the Inquiry by Michael Williams, Chairman of the Swedish Network of Refugee and Asylum Support Groups in a series of emails in April 2003. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2001: Chapter 4: Laws mandating minimum terms of imprisonment (‘mandatory sentencing’) and Indigenous people
On 13 April 2000, the Senate requested the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission to inquire into all aspects of the agreement between the Northern Territory Government and the Commonwealth regarding the Territorys mandatory sentencing regime; the consistency of mandatory sentencing regimes with Australias international human rights obligations; and Western Australias… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
This submission has been produced by the Queensland Program of Assistance for Survivors of Torture and Trauma (QPASTT) and the Youth Advocacy Centre (YAC). The submission is also endorsed by a number of individuals and organisations working directly or indirectly with asylum seekers and refugees (See list on page 2). Their staff hear similar stories and reports from their clients and have come to… -
Employers29 April 2016Speech
HR Leaders Forum
Rights and Responsibilities: Creating Better Workplaces for all Australians -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Social Justice Report 2002: Measuring Indigenous disadvantage
4. Research relevant to benchmarking 5. The Commonwealth Grants Commission Report on Indigenous Funding 6. Australian Bureau of Statistics 7. Initiatives at the inter-governmental level related to benchmarking 8. The Steering Committee framework for reporting on Indigenous disadvantage 9. Governance and capacity building 10. Developments at State and Territory level -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
President speeches: The Potential Role of National Human Rights Institutions in the Pacific
This paper advocates that National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) have a very valuable role to play in the Pacific, and that the promotion and protection of human rights in the Pacific would benefit immensely by Pacific nations each establishing a NHRI. -
Race Discrimination11 June 2015Opinion piece
40 years of the Racial Discrimination Act
Explore an opinion piece that celebrates 40 years of the Racial Discrimination Act by former Race Discrimination Commissioner, Dr Tim Soutphommasane. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2006
This appendix summarises the main findings from research and consultations conducted by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission between 2001 and 2006 that relate to family violence and abuse in Indigenous communities. The summary has also been published in a more detailed research paper prepared by the Social Justice Commissioner in 2006 entitled Ending family violence and abuse in… -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2003: Chapter 2: Reconciliation and government accountability
In the Social Justice Report 1999, my first report as Social Justice Commissioner, I identified four key themes and challenges that existed in the approach of the federal government to Indigenous policy making at the time. These were moving beyond welfare dependency, accountability, participation and reconciliation.[1] Since the release of that report approximately four years ago, the key themes… -
14 December 2012Book page
Indigenous Deaths in Custody: Part E Profiles: Indigenous Deaths in Custody 1989 - 1996
The deceased was travelling with a friend in a car on Kloeden St, Ceduna at around 1:30am on the morning of Sunday 2 July. The car was approached by police who later stated that they were attending to a break-in in the street. The officers ran a warrant check on the pair. The friend was allowed to go but the deceased was arrested on warrants for non-payment of fines and a non-appearance on an… -
14 December 2012Book page
It's About Time - Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction 3.2 Australia's human rights obligations for workers with family and carer responsibilities 3.3 Limitations of federal discrimination law 3.4 The need for law reform 3.5 Conclusion -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Report No. 35
Pursuant to section 11(1)(f) and 20(1) of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth), I attach a report of my inquiry into a complaint against the Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs) and GSL (Australia) Pty Ltd. I have found that acts done on behalf of the Commonwealth were contrary to the human rights of the complainant as… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission: Anti-Terrorism Bill (No 2) 2005
Recommendation 1: The Bill should be amended to include additional sub-clauses (in s105.4(4) and (6)), which require the issuing authority to be satisfied that the purpose for which the order is made cannot be achieved by a less restrictive means. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
SJU: Submission to Inquiry into Aboriginal Customary Law in NT
To access the Executive Summary of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner's Submission to the Northern Territory Law Reform Committee Inquiry into Aboriginal Customary law in the Northern Territory click here. -
14 December 2012Book page
3. Setting the Scene - Children in Immigration Detention
I want to tell you that actually I spent about fifteen nights in the ride to Australia. I was in a small boat if you want to call that a boat, because it was smaller than that, with lots of difficulties. When I saw [we were] getting near Australia I was becoming a little bit hopeful. When we passed Darwin I got to the detention centre as soon as I looked at these barbed wires my mind was full of… -
14 December 2012Book page
16. Temporary Protection Visas for Children Released from Immigration Detention
The immigration status that results in the detention of children under Australian law also affects their entitlements to various services on release from detention, after they have been recognised as refugees. As discussed in Chapter 6 on Australia's Detention Policy, most children detained in immigration detention facilities for long periods are detained because they arrive in Australia without… -
14 December 2012Book page
Indigenous young people with cognitive disabilities
This section outlines current knowledge around Indigenous young people with cognitive disabilities and/ or mental health issues. It introduces concepts and best practice models from Australia and internationally. -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Report No. 18
1. The commission's jurisdiction 2. The complaint 3. The complainant's evidence and submissions 4. Respondent's response 5. Documentary material before the commission 6. Conciliation 7. Preliminary findings of Commissioner Sidoti 8. Response to Commissioner Sidoti's preliminary findings 9. My Further Preliminary Findings 10. Respondent's response to my Further Preliminary Findings 11. Section 21…