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14 December 2012Book page
3. Setting the Scene - Children in Immigration Detention
I want to tell you that actually I spent about fifteen nights in the ride to Australia. I was in a small boat if you want to call that a boat, because it was smaller than that, with lots of difficulties. When I saw [we were] getting near Australia I was becoming a little bit hopeful. When we passed Darwin I got to the detention centre as soon as I looked at these barbed wires my mind was full of… -
14 December 2012Book page
16. Temporary Protection Visas for Children Released from Immigration Detention
The immigration status that results in the detention of children under Australian law also affects their entitlements to various services on release from detention, after they have been recognised as refugees. As discussed in Chapter 6 on Australia's Detention Policy, most children detained in immigration detention facilities for long periods are detained because they arrive in Australia without… -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
COMMISSIONER OZDOWSKI: Welcome to everyone. I would like to formally open this public hearing, the first of a series of hearings to be conducted around Australia. My name is Sev Ozdowski and I am the Human Rights Commissioner of Australia, and I have with me two Assistant Commissioners; to my right Professor Trang Thomas who is Professor of Psychology at the Royal Melbourne Institute of… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
NSW DET Teacher Consultants conference:Keynote Speech
Read a keynote speech on the inclusivity of people with a disability at a NSW Department of Education and Training teachers conference. -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Chapter 4
From 1835, when the European occupation of Victoria commenced, until the 1880s government policy was one of segregation of Indigenous people on reserves. These were mainly controlled by missions. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
The continuing battle for equal rights for people with a disability
I have to admit that two months ago when I took the title " The Disability Discrimination Act and the continuing battle for equal rights for people with a disability" for my paper today I was not attaching great importance to the precise words of that title. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
2. I am presently employed by Australasian Correctional Management (ACM) as the Centre Manager of the Perth Immigration Detention Centre (PIDC). I am on extended leave from that position as I am unfit for work at present. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
Creating a culture of human rights compliance
Debates about a charter of rights are often monopolised by the contentious issue of the proper role of the courts. While this is undoubtedly an important question, it overlooks the impact a charter would have on the role of Parliament as a guardian of rights of freedoms. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
“Access to the arts: Being Discriminating rather than Discriminatory"
Take a piece of canvas, some chicken wire, paint and plastic, and put them together so that they resemble a potato cooked in its jacket. Mount the whole thing on a block of wood, add a label that says "baked potato with butter" and what have you got? You've got a famous example of Pop Art. The collector who bought it is alleged to have remarked, "pop is the art of today, tomorrow… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Making rights relevant
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. Whilst planning this speech, I was thinking that it was a long time since the first time that I addressed an NDS (then Acrod) conference. I was asked to give the Kenneth Jenkins memorial oration at the Acrod conference in the early 80s, as the first President of DPI Australia. The speech then was just the type that you would expect from the… -
Age Discrimination14 December 2012Publication
Age Discrimination: exposing the hidden barrier for mature age workers
Since the introduction of the Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth), experiences of age discrimination in employment among mature age workers have featured prominently in the complaints of age discrimination received by the Australian Human Rights Commission. In 2008-09, I undertook a series of consultations with peak bodies including age-based community groups, legal service providers, business… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the launch of the report of the national inquiry into the human rights of people with mental illness. This report is the result of extensive research; public hearings in all States and Territories; and oral evidence and written submissions from over 1300 witnesses. I have been extremely fortunate to have the assistance of two commissioners with a… -
4 February 2015Book page
4 An overview of the children in detention
4.1 Nationalities of the children in detention 4.2 Reasons for seeking asylum 4.3 Age of children in detention 4.4 Unaccompanied children 4.5 When did the children arrive in Australia? 4.6 How long are children kept in detention? 4.7 Movement of children across the detention network 4.8 Mental health and wellbeing of children in detention 4.9 Detention is a dangerous place 4.10 Rates of self… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice6 October 2017Speech
Global Alcohol Policy Conference 2017
Yaningi warangira ngindaji yuwa muwayi ingirranggu, Wurundjeri yani u. Balangarri wadjirragali jarra ningi – gamali ngindaji yau muwayi nyirrami ngarri thangani. Yaningi miya ngindaji Muwayi ingga winyira ngarragi thangani. Yathawarra, wilalawarra jalangurru ngarri guda. I stand here today on the lands of the Wurundjeri People. There are many of us that have come from afar, we come speaking … -
Rights and Freedoms22 October 2020Speech
Opening statement – Senate Estimates
Explore the 2020 senate estimates opening speech by the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
This submission has been prepared following a public seminar held on 4 March 2002 to discuss the experiences of children in Immigration Detention Centres in Australia. The seminar, held at the University of Western Sydney (Macarthur - Bankstown), was convened by Childhood and Youth Policy Research Unit of the Social Justice and Social Change Research Centre, University of Western Sydney in… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
The Disability Discrimination Act Seven Years On
I wrote the title for this presentation almost a year ago when I was first asked to give it. I came back to it two weeks ago to write the actual paper and thought "what does this mean?" -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
Job Sharing
Job sharing is a flexible work arrangement where one job is done by more than one person. It can be an option if employees want to work part-time but the job that is available needs to be worked on a full-time basis. Example: One employee works part-time and does the job on Monday and Tuesday and another employee does the same job, also working part-time, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday… -
Sex Discrimination14 December 2012Speech
National Strategic Conference on Fatherhood: Pru Goward
Of course, women too can be violent. However for the most part, the purpose and effects differ radically - male violence is used to regulate women's behaviour, and men's. Men commit most of the violence that is considered in the criminal system, against women and against other men. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Webpage
Know your rights about disability discrimination and harassment
Disability discrimination is when a person with a disability is treated less favourably than a person without the disability in the same or similar circumstances.