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Rights and Freedoms24 April 2015Publication
War and Peace: The ANZAC spirit and human rights
Message from Professor Gillian Triggs Professor Gillian Triggs President Australian Human Rights Commission Every year around Anzac Day, Australians and New Zealanders remember those who fought in all wars and conflicts over the last 100 years. As the national human rights institutions of Australia and New Zealand we wanted to mark the anniversary of the start of the First World War by… -
Legal24 April 2015Submission
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Powers, Offences and Other Measures) Bill 2015 (Cth)
1 Introduction The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee in its Inquiry into the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Powers, Offences and Other Measures) Bill 2015 (Cth) (Bill) introduced by the Government. 2 Summary The Commission welcomes the opportunity to make a submission about this Bill. Given the limited… -
Legal24 April 2015Submission
Senate inquiry into the Copyright Amendment (Online Infringement) Bill 2015 (Cth)
Wednesday, 15 April 2015 Committee Secretary Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee PO Box 6100 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 By email: Dear Committee Secretary, Senate inquiry into the Copyright Amendment (Online Infringement) Bill 2015 (Cth) Thank you for providing the opportunity to make a submission in relation to the Copyright Amendment (Online -
23 April 2015Book page
Appendix 2: Expense for our outcome
Table 2: Expenses for Outcome 1 Outcome 1 – An Australian society in which human rights are respected, protected and promoted through independent investigation and resolution of complaints, education and research to promote and eliminate discrimination, and monitoring, and reporting on human rights. Budget* 2013–14 $’000 Actual Expenses 2013–14 $’000 Variation 2013-14 $’000 (a) (b) (a)−(b) … -
23 April 2015Book page
Appendix 3: Complaint statistics
Enquiries and complaints received The Commission received 19 688 enquiries in 2013-14. This is 16% higher than the number received in the previous year. The majority of enquiries (73%) were received via our National Information Hotline. The main issues raised by enquirers in this reporting year related to disability discrimination (18%); general employment matters, including harassment and … -
23 April 2015Book page
Appendix 1: Agency resource statement
Actual available appropriation for 2013-14 $’000 Payments made 2013-14 $’000 Balance remaining 2013-14 $’000 (a) (b) (a)-(b) Ordinary Annual Services 1 Departmental appropriation 2 35,078 25,733 9,345 Total 35,078 25,733 9,345 Administered expenses Outcome 1 144 144 Total 144 144 Total ordinary annual services A 35,222* 25,877 Other Services Departmental non-operating Equity injections 0 0 0… -
Age Discrimination22 April 2015Publication
National prevalence survey of age discrimination in the workplace 2015
Download the National Prevalence Survey of Age Discrimination in the Workplace 2015 and learn about how age discrimination is a barrier to entry for employment. -
Complaint Information Service15 April 2015Webpage
Preparing for Conciliation
You can access the Australian Human Rights Commission's complaint information service, which provides information on how to prepare for conciliation. -
14 April 2015Book page
5 Nations - Self-determination and a new era of Indigenous governance
5.1 Introduction 5.2 The importance of Nations 5.3 Framework for Indigenous governance 5.4 Community governance: a Nation building approach 5.5 Australian accounts of successful nation building 5.6 Voices of Nations, not just national voices 5.7 Conclusions and recommendations 5.1 Introduction Since the beginning of my term as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner… -
14 April 2015Book page
6 Giving effect to the Declaration
6.1 Introduction 6.2 Steps taken by the Australian Government to implement the Declaration 6.3 Giving effect to the Declaration 6.4 Conclusion and recommendations 6.1 Introduction Throughout my term, I have continually emphasised the importance of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples [565] (the Declaration). The Declaration is the most comprehensive and advanced… -
14 April 2015Book page
4 Creating safe communities
4.1 Introduction 4.2 Justice reinvestment in Australia five years on 4.3 Justice targets 4.4 National Justice Coalition 4.5 Conclusion and recommendations 4.1 Introduction The overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as both victims and offenders in the criminal justice system remains one of the most glaring disparities between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander… -
Children's Rights14 April 2015Speech
Embedding children’s rights into children’s services
YMCA 2015 National Children’s Services Conference Moonee Valley Racing Club, Victoria Saturday 21 March 2015 Introduction Good morning and thank you for the introduction. I would like to start by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet today, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation and pay my respects to their elders past and present. I’d like to thank YMCA for… -
14 April 2015Book page
1 Social justice - Year in review
1.1 Introduction 1.2 Machinery of Government changes 1.3 The 2014 Budget 1.4 Leadership, representation and engagement 1.5 Constitutional recognition 1.6 Indigenous Jobs and Training Review 1.7 Closing the Gap 1.8 Stolen Generations 1.9 International developments 1.10 Australian Human Rights Commission complaints 1.11 Conclusion 1.1 Introduction At the beginning of this reporting period, we… -
13 April 2015Book page
Our work plan for 2014-15
Priority: Human rights education and promotion We work to build awareness of rights and freedoms across the community, encouraging a culture of respect and responsibility that values dignity. To make this a reality, the Commission creates a range of community engagement and human rights education programs to engage with a broad cross-section of the community. We use tools such as social… -
13 April 2015Book page
Our leadership team
The work of the Commission is led by a President and Commissioners: Emeritus Professor Gillian Triggs President Mick Gooda Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Megan Mitchell National Children’s Commissioner The Hon Susan Ryan AO Age and Disability Discrimination Commissioner Tim Wilson Human Rights Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick Sex Discrimination Commissioner… -
13 April 2015Book page
Our Agenda
There is no simple way to solve complex human rights issues. From the challenges that face a person with a disability seeking independent living, through to immigration detention policy, the promotion of rights and freedoms must address issues for individuals as well as the need for broader, systemic change. The Commission uses a range of integrated approaches, while also focusing on… -
13 April 2015Book page
Who we are
The Australian Human Rights Commission is independent from government and established by legislation. We strive to resolve complaints, encourage positive law reform and build a shared awareness and recognition of freedoms and rights throughout Australia. We operate under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth) as well as federal laws that seek to ensure freedom from… -
10 April 2015Book page
2 Background and framework for promotion and protection of human rights
2.1 Scope of international obligations 2.2 National framework 2.3 Equality before the law and non-discrimination 2.4 Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers 2.5 Right to life, liberty and security of the person 2.1 Scope of international obligations Australia prides itself on its commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights and has announced its candidacy for election to the… -
10 April 2015Book page
3 Key national priorities, initiatives and commitments
The Commission is an ‘A status’ national human rights institution established and operating in full compliance with the Paris Principles. The sufficiency of funding and staffing for the Commission was called into question during Australia’s UPR. ACHRA encourages the Australian Government, through the regular federal budget process, to ensure the Commission continues to operate as an… -
10 April 2015Book page
Appendix 1: Calendar of upcoming key UN treaty dates
Treaty Key dates Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) Australia appeared before the committee in November 2014 Next report due November 2018 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Next report due August 2018 Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) The report was due October 2012. A combined…
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