Refine results
Asylum Seekers and Refugees9 July 2013Webpage
Immigration detention statistics
View statistics related to immigration detention in Australia, including how many people arrive, the length of their detention and where they are held. -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees9 July 2013Webpage
Children in immigration detention page
Learn how the majority of children in immigration detention arrived in Australia by boat and that many came with family members but some arrived alone. -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees9 July 2013Webpage
Alternatives to detention
Learn about the alternatives to mandatory immigration detention that allow for the protection of the community while ensuring people are treated humanely. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice8 July 2013Publication
Community Guide: UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
The Declaration is the most comprehensive tool we have available to advance the rights of Indigenous peoples. -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees8 July 2013Webpage
Transfer of asylum seekers to third countries page
back to immigration detention, asylum seekers and refugees In August 2012 the Australian Government introduced a third country processing regime for asylum seekers who come to Australia by boat, without a valid visa. There are many aspects of this regime which may lead to breaches of Australia’s human rights obligations. On this page: • What is the third country processing regime? • What is… -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees8 July 2013Webpage
The Commission's role
Asylum seekers, refugees and people in immigration detention Over the last decade the Commission has worked to promote and protect the human rights of asylum seekers, refugees, and people in immigration detention. This work has included: i nvestigating complaints about alleged breaches of human rights in immigration detention conducting visits to immigration detention facilities and… -
Rights and Freedoms8 July 2013Project
Rights and freedoms - right by right
As part of the development of our new website we are developing pages on human rights scrutiny by reference to each area of rights and obligations set out in the main human rights treaties which have been developed by the international community and adopted by Australia in the years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed in 1948. Please feel free to let us know about… -
Rights and Freedoms6 July 2013Project
Right to freedom of information, opinion and expression
Explore the right to freedom of information, opinion, and expression, and understand its importance in a democratic society. Learn about permissible limitations and protections. -
LGBTIQ+5 July 2013Webpage
Joint NHRI statement to the Human Rights Council on sexual orientation and gender identity
On 10 June 2013 the Australian Human Rights Commission joined 28 other ‘A status’ National Human Rights Institutions to call on the United Nations Human Rights Council to establish an appropriate mechanism to study, document and report to it about human rights violations, barriers and challenges experienced by individuals across the world because of their sexual orientation, gender identity… -
Legal1 July 2013Webpage
Notice of application for exemption: Carnival Australia
The Australian Human Rights Commission has received an application pursuant to section 44(2) of the Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth) (ADA) from Carnival plc (trading as Carnival Australia) for an extension to its exemption from sections 14 and/or 15 and 28(b) of the ADA. Carnival Australia was formed in July 2004 and represents three homeported Carnival Corporation brands in Australia -… -
Legal28 June 2013Submission
Response to the Public Consultation on the Human Rights of Older Persons
Discover the response to public consultation on human rights for older persons. -
Legal27 June 2013Publication
BB v Commonwealth of Australia
BB v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration and Citizenship) Report into arbitrary detention and the right to be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person [2012] AusHRC 58 Click here for BB media statement in Word -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees26 June 2013Publication
Tell Me About: The ‘Enhanced Screening Process’
Learn about the 'enhanced screening process' and how it's applied to unauthorised maritime arrivals to see if their claims will inhibit their removal. -
Rights and Freedoms25 June 2013Webpage
Role of Freedom of Opinion and Expression in Women's Empowerment
Human Rights Council Resolution A/HRC/RES/23/2 - 24 June 2013 Recalling further General Assembly resolutions relating to the issue of women’s empowerment, including resolutions 66/130 of 19 December 2011, on women and political participation, and 66/216 o f 22 December 2011, on women in development, and the agreed conclusions of the Commission on the Status of Women, Reaffirming articles 19… -
Children's Rights25 June 2013Speech
Play is more than just having fun: enriching childhoods
Network of Community Activities, International College of Management, Manly NSW -
Rights and Freedoms24 June 2013Webpage
Human rights indicators
Human rights indicators are essential tools in turning human rights from legal principles into realities. The importance of development and application of appropriate indicators of human rights performance and progress is increasingly being recognised internationally and within Australia. The Commission promotes and participates in development of human rights indicators in Australia and… -
21 June 2013Book page
Key Findings
This research report: Assesses the prevalence and depth of stereotypes and negative attitudes towards older Australians Provides insight into the impact of these attitudes and the resulting behaviours on older Australians and the general community, including business decision makers Examines the portrayal, and invisibility, of older Australians in the media by all main media platforms… -
Age Discrimination21 June 2013Opinion piece
Media can help in the fight against age discrimination
Forgetful. Slow. Inactive. Inflexible. Technophobic. Prone to illness. Unable to learn new things. Bad drivers. Vulnerable. Grumpy. Isolated. Lonely. If I were to ask you which group of people these terms are often used to describe, I’m sure it would not take you long to arrive at ‘older’ people. Yet, think of the ‘older’ people you know, and you will most likely come to realize that most,… -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees19 June 2013Speech
Australian Government’s third country processing regime & human rights
Explore a speech delivered by the former President of the Human Rights Commission, Professor Gillian Triggs, to the Refugee Advice and Casework Service. -
Age Discrimination19 June 2013Project
Fact or fiction? Stereotypes of older Australians
Explore a fact sheet that outlines the discriminatory attitudes and behaviours older people can experience in the workplace and the community.
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