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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

2014 WACOSS Conference

The title of this morning’s session is ‘Recognition of Aboriginal people in the Constitution and the possibility of Aboriginal advancement’. Without a doubt, I see constitutional recognition as a pathway for advancement. I have said again and again, that is it is a real nation building opportunity and the benefits will extend to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and non-Australians alike. It is a journey that will mark our maturity as an inclusive, just nation.

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

Australian Politics and Human Rights Lecture

Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today about politics and human rights. As you would know there is a lot of discussion about human rights in the political debate at the moment, which is a great thing because human rights is not something that many Australian’s feel is relevant to them.

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

Close the Gap 2014 Parliamentary Breakfast

Speech by Mick Gooda, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commissioner and Kirstie Parker, National Congress of Australia's First Peoples

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

NSW Tenants’ Union Tenancy Advice and Advocacy Program

Today I would like to extend the way you may view your work and some of the tools available to you. The Tenants Union is part of a long tradition of fighting for housing justice, as I understand, going all the way back to 1910. What I want to add to this robust tradition is a human rights approach.

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

QUT Indigenous Law and Justice Dinner

Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today amongst those of you who aspire to promote equality and social justice.

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

6th Session: the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Thank you Madam Chair for the opportunity to be part of this Interactive Panel on the implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at this, the Sixth Session on the Expert Panel on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. I believe Interactive Panels provide an opportunity for...

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

Implementation of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples

Ms Mandy Doherty and Ms Jenny Bedford delivered the following joint statement on 22 May 2013 to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on behalf of the Australian Government and the Australian Human Rights Commission. We would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land...

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