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Age Discrimination19 December 2024Webpage
About making a complaint
If you experience discrimination, you can address it directly or make a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission. Complaints can be made online or in writing. -
Commission – General5 December 2024Speech
commUnity + Annual Celebration of Impact
There’s so many people in this room tonight who have played a big part in my life. This area and its people are close to my heart. Sunshine – Brimbank - Melton It’s where I got my real human rights education. -
Race Discrimination6 December 2024Speech
Framework launch speech
The National Anti-Racism Framework launch speech by Giridharan Sivaraman emphasizes the importance of First Nations-centered anti-racism efforts in Australia. -
Commission – General5 December 2024Speech
Tim McCoy dinner
It’s pretty special for me being here tonight as the speaker at the Tim McCoy dinner. There’s so many people in this room tonight who have played a big part in my life - making me a better human rights advocate and a better person. The McCoy Dinner is always a great celebration of the community legal and broader legal aid and social justice sectors. A meeting of the pioneers who set up CLCs… -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees12 December 2024Opinion piece
Women in immigration detention are trapped in a system designed for men. Many have not hugged a family member in years
In an opinion piece published in The Guardian, Human Rights Commissioner Lorraine Finlay Commissioner Finlay describes the harrowing experiences faced by many women in immigration detention and calls for urgent reform to address these human rights failures. It follows the release of the AHRC report into the issue. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice12 February 2021Media Release
CLOSE THE GAP: We’re waiting but we will not be left wanting
The Close the Gap Campaign looks forward to seeing a comprehensive report on the refreshed targets for Closing the Gap by July. The campaign notes today’s announcement that the release of the Closing the Gap data has been pushed back to July in order to allow a full reporting year since the signing of the new National Agreement with the Coalition of Peaks on Closing the Gap. The Close the… -
Race Discrimination29 November 2024Speech
Launch of the National Anti-Racism Framework
Race Discrimination Commissioner Giridharan Sivaraman launched the National Anti-Racism Framework on 26 November at Parramatta Townhall. -
LGBTIQ+17 September 2015Opinion piece
I want to hold your hand: LGBTI people have some surprisingly modest aspirations
Visibility remains one of the greatest challenges in tackling the legacy of state-sanctioned discrimination against people on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex status. In the past 30 years we’ve made great strides in ensuring people are treated equally before the law and government simply because of who they are. Led by John Gorton, the commonwealth… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice4 December 2024Media Release
Queensland Bills a major step backwards for the rights of First Nations people
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Ms Katie Kiss has warned that legislation introduced by the Queensland Government late last week was “a devastating step backwards for First Nations rights and a blow to respectful relationships between the state government and Indigenous Queenslanders.” The Queensland Parliament repealed the Path to Treaty Act 2023 at… -
Children's Rights10 December 2024Opinion piece
After the social media ban, is the job done on child safety and wellbeing?
When the backslapping over the successful passing of the social media ban legislation has finished, there is a significant amount of work that still needs to be done to improve child safety and wellbeing in Australia. -
Children's Rights21 November 2024News story
New animation – ‘Do things with the information we tell you’
In the Supporting Quality Engagement with Children 2023 Final Report, children and young people said they want to see action based on what they told us about their lived experience. -
Commission – General31 October 2024Speech
Eastern Community Legal Centre Multidisciplinary Forum
Hugh de Kretser discusses the impact of multidisciplinary legal practice, highlighting the intersection of legal and social issues and the importance of integrated support. -
Business and Human Rights6 November 2024Opinion piece
Pandemic probe: Statistics can’t capture the loss of trust and confidence
The Covid-19 response inquiry report is an important first step, but there is much more that needs to be done if the government wants to start rebuilding public trust. The number one lesson should be that response measures do not operate in a vacuum. The full human impact needs to be understood and human rights need to be embedded into future emergency responses. The 877-page inquiry report… -
Disability Rights5 December 2024Opinion piece
It’s time disability reform became an election commitment
In an opinion piece published in The Mandarin, Disability Discrimination Commissioner Rosemary Kayess urges political leaders to commit to disability reform ahead of the 2025 Federal election. -
Disability Rights9 December 2024Speech
Commissioner Rosemary Kayess is awarded honorary doctorate
Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Rosemary Kayess was awarded a Doctor of Laws honoris causa by the University of New South Wales (UNSW). The honorary degree was conferred in recognition of Commissioner Kayess’ immense and growing impact both internationally and in Australia. -
6 November 2024Conciliation register
The complainant is 78 years of age and has a significant hearing impairment. He claimed the respondent cinema did not have the appropriate facilities to enable him to hear the film soundtrack. He claimed staff spoke to him abruptly and considered this may not have occurred if he was a younger person. On being notified of the complaint, the cinema indicated a willingness to participate in